NIST IR 8179

NIST IR 8179 Criticality Analysis Process Model

Security Risk Assessment Services

NIST Interagency Report (IR) 8179 provides organizations, both government and private sector, a structured Criticality Analysis Process Model to guide their efforts in prioritizing programs, systems, and components based on their importance to the mission and the impact that their loss may present. Criticality analysis, a security risk assessment best practice, helps organizations identify the elements that are most essential to their operations. This analysis has become especially important in today’s technology environment where organizations rely on information and operational technology to run critical processes within their business. With finite resources, it is not possible to provide equal protection to all systems in an environment, which means prioritization is required to ensure information security investment is directed wisely and more importantly, the right assets are most protected.

The model presented in NIST IR 8179 provides organizations with a prescription for criticality analysis, a key requirement for most current risk management standards and guidelines including NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53 , SP 800-160, and SP 800-161 among others. It is a recommended best practice to include criticality analysis as a component of a holistic and comprehensive risk management program. The results of criticality analysis efforts provide valuable input into the design and refinement of these programs and facilitate better decision making related to the management of information asset.

If your organization is interested in adding criticality analysis to your risk management program, TalaTek can help. Our team of experts has experience helping clients meet the requirements for security and risk controls and frameworks, including FISMA and NIST. We understand the fundamentals required to build a sound governance, risk and compliance program and can help your organization define and implement the processes needed to get started or enhance your existing program.

TalaTek intelligent Governance and Risk Integrated Solution (TiGRIS)

The foundation of all our cybersecurity and risk services is our TalaTek intelligent Governance and Risk Integrated Solution (TiGRIS). This managed service becomes the central system of record for your integrated governance, risk and compliance program. Using TiGRIS, the TalaTek team collects and analyzes data and delivers your findings and action plans. With this key information in place, you can leverage TiGRIS as the foundation of your governance, risk and compliance program, starting with your criticality analysis. TiGRIS integrates all of your data into a single system of record to provide a true enterprise view of your risk and compliance status, easing the burden of achieving compliance with NIST guidelines.

TiGRIS ensures your risk management processes are centralized, integrated and efficient, and provides you with powerful data aggregation and risk measurement across your organization. The result is immediate visibility into risk metrics and compliance status, enabling timely and informed risk decisions and prioritization across the enterprise.

To learn more about how TalaTek TiGRIS can help you achieve your governance, risk and compliance goals, download our datasheet or contact us today.

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